Personal information protection guidelines

Teibow works to protect all personal information, including information entrusted to the company by its customers, through the implementation of its policies on the protection of personal information.


1. Collection of personal information

We will not collect any personal information other than that which is necessary in the course of business.
We will not use inappropriate practices to collect personal information.

2. Use of personal information

We will not use personal information for purposes other than that for which it was collected.

3. Notice of purpose for use of personal information

We will, at the time personal information is requested, inform the individual of the intended use, within the scope of the Personal Information Protection Law.

4. Provision of personal information to third parties

With the exception of cases provided for in the Personal Information Protection Law, we will not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining prior consent from the individual.

5. Safe storage of personal information

We will exercise the greatest caution in protecting personal information in our care.

6. Declaration of compliance

We will strictly comply with laws and other regulations relating to the protection of personal information in our handling of all such information.